Sunday, November 16, 2008

Video Reflection: Story on stuff.

This video looks into the processes of design, and the life cycle of design. Design at the moment is in a very interesting phase, where there is alot of focus on environmentally safe products. There is obviously a change to be had in the materials and ways that we dispose of products, or reuse of products, but they also still have to be based around the need and wants of the consumers. Years ago, products were designed to last a liftime. They were not manufactured to just make a profit as soon as possible, but to really fulfill the consumers want. Recently products have taken the opposite approach, and as the video state, that on an international scale, 99% of products are trashed within the first 6 months. As deisgners, we need to start to change the image of design, back to the basics were prodcuts were build to last, and also not damage the environment once there life span comes to an end.

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