Thursday, August 7, 2008

Task 5: Video

The days of designing and creating products just based on asethetics seem to be over. As the video "David Kelley 2002 -The future of design is human centred.” demonstrates, it is becoming much more apparent that design needs to be focused in the relation between product and the consumer. Products in today's world need to have new focus in there design, they do need to continue to use the aesthetics and technology that has allowed them to reach the point they have thus far, but they need to have a new approach taken in the design process, with a focus on producing products that are human centred.

After watching the video, it has been made clear that human centred design has been available for a while, although with advances in todays technologies, designers are at the point were they are able to re-channel were design is to be taken, and change its direction for the future. The future needing to be human centred.

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